Junior High student shares a message of hope and joy with classmates

David, an American School Junior High student, shares a message of encouragement, hope, and joy through his song, “Pain will end and we will transcend”.

David has worked on this song over the course of the last several months. He dedicates it to those who have experienced stress, uncertainty, and sadness during the pandemic. David composed and produced his song as part of his Musical Production class project. Eventually, he and his father accompanied the music with their own lyrics.

David hopes that his song will provide encouragement and hope as well as lead to positive changes in his school community. He understands the importance of reflecting upon the events of the past year and that a sense of enthusiasm and purpose can change not only our lives, but also that of those around us.

David’s desire to positively impact his school community along with his support for fellow classmates and teachers is characteristic of American School students.

Click on the link below to listen to David’s song.