The American School celebrates the thirty-ninth edition of PASMUN

From January 24 to 26, 2023, at the Colegio Americano de Puebla High School, the thirty-ninth edition of our model United Nations, PASMUN, was held.

This internationally recognized event was attended by students from various educational institutions in the country, to meet in committees and discuss numerous issues of global relevance.

The PASMUN 2023 slogan is Strength in Diversity, which seeks to emphasize the importance of creating communities through teamwork, focused on finding viable solutions to current problems.

The topics and committees were the following:

  1. General Assembly - Addressing the increasing rate of human trafficking within refugee populations in European and Middle-Eastern regions

  2. Security Council - Addressing the violation of human rights and the targeting of a cultural community within Mainland China

  3. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) - Addressing the economical influence of developed countries in war-torn areas

  4. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - Determining limitations against foreign interventions seeking to undermine a country's autonomy and sovereignty

  5. United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) - Child marriage present in developing countries: securing the welfare and human rights of children. 

  6. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) - Eradicating the violation of civil rights in the Palestine–Israel conflict 

  7. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Promoting media freedom and discussing press jurisdiction through the protection of journalists in international scopes

  8. UN Women - Discussing governmental negligence, control, and justice for femicides in Latin American countries

  9. Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) - Discussing the management of museum collections in Europe

  10. United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR) - Access to government-subsidized public services for illegal immigrants and refugees

  11. African Union (AU) - Developing measures for the management of armed conflicts in Africa caused by ethnic differences

  12. Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) - The Effects of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and irregular warfare in armed conflicts from the Middle East 

  13. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Uncertainty of human representations and socialization as a result of modern digital identities 

  14. World Food Programme (WFP) - Ensuring food security in refugee camps 

  15. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) - Addressing abuse and violence by government-related authorities towards prisoners in state-controlled detention centers 

  16. International Labour Organization (ILO) - Discussing labor rights and its entailed exploitation in the mining industry of the Republic of Congo 

  17. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) - Addressing the Darien Gap migration crisis and its impact on neighboring countries 

  18. Historical International Court of Justice (HICJ) - Addressing war and crimes against humanity committed by Hirohito

  19.  Oficina de las Naciones Unidas Contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) - La expansión política de los cárteles de droga en América Latina: discutiendo los vínculos y el impacto entre la corrupción dentro de los gobiernos y el tráfico de droga entre las sociedades

  20. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial (ONUDI) - Adaptando el ambiente laboral inaccesible y de escasas oportunidades laborales para las personas con discapacidad 

  21. CRISIS - Addressing Brazil’s democratic crisis and its effects on the international community

  22. United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) - Addressing the Autodestruction law: Denuclearization 

  23. United Nation Environmental Programme (UNEP) - Addressing ecocidal tendencies in territories belonging to indigenous communities 

  24. World Health Organization (WHO) - Controlling medical waste such as healthcare equipment & organic fluid waste for the protection of human health.

Congratulations delegates, and thank you for your hard work. We’re sure the world is and will be in good hands. Your ideas will make this a better place, it is already happening.